Coping with Covid
RBA Management update
Like everyone, we are hunkering down and coming to terms with the ever-growing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Something with this scale and speed, affecting our whole population, is hard to comprehend. And of course our hearts go out to our community across theatre, film and television and the entertainment industry at large.
Not only the disappointment of cancelled performances and engagements, but also the financial, cultural and social cost.
We have gone into lockdown in both Auckland and Sydney and urge all our clients to observe the latest government guidance. So of course our contacts are restricted to telephone, email, Skype, FaceTime and WhatsApp.
We are already accustomed to relying on digital channels so in a way it will feel like business as usual - although the volume will not be at the usual levels nor the intense turnarounds, with productions and castings being forced to postpone or suspend from 4 and up to 8 weeks in some cases.
Casting directors have done their utmost to keep the process as normal as possible, and now self-testing has really come in to its own. If you’re not already prepared you need to be quick, as this is now the norm for the foreseeable future. Don’t stress, casting directors are being realistic and happily accepting self tests recorded on smartphones - just follow the usual recording processes.
We are all still available to you via our individual emails, if you need to reach out to us - whether to follow up on business queries or just for a reassuring chat.
Take care, stay well and see you all on the other side!
With best wishes from your team,
Gabriella, Penny, Louise, Aileen, Elena, Chris and Peter